Working at Vodafone

Vodafone vacancies

Current vacancies

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But don’t worry, in our job list you will find lots of other
cool positions that are currently available.


Because of the Corona pandemic, we have all become accustomed to working from home. Although working from home is still a possibility, Vodafoneziggo would also love to welcome you to the department of one of the many branches housed from Groningen to Maastricht.

Vodafoneziggo vacancies

Teleperformance offers the latest job openings from Vodafoneziggo. From customer service representative to account manager to customer advisor to working with different products. The opportunities and job openings at Vodafoneziggo are virtually endless. Apply immediately!


Vodafoneziggo may be a large empire, but the bond between colleagues should never be lost sight of. To monitor this, the organization organizes various events that focus on the bond between colleagues.

The annual Connect Run or a big party at the ZiggoDome where a customer service representative and a sales representative get together. Throughout the year, Vodafone provides plenty of activities.

Apply directly to Vodafone vacancies

Are you sure you are an indispensable link within Vodafone? Or are you simply looking for a fun job? Become the star of your department and partner with your new colleagues. Email your resume and apply directly to Vodafoneziggo!